Our Policies
Data privacy policy (GDPR) can be viewed here GDPR Policy
Cookie policy can be viewed here Cookie Policy
LTA affiliated policies
1.Safeguarding Safeguarding Policy
2.Diversity Inclusion Diversity Inclusion Policy
3. Changing Rooms Changing Rooms Policy
4. anti bullying anti bullying
5. safe recruitment safe recruitment
6. online safety online safety
7. photography photography best practice
Luke Sloan - Racket Stringer (UKRSA) he has re-strung quite a few rackets for our club members over the last couple of years
Racketrestringer@outlook.com and his website racketrestringer.co.uk or telephone 07771785335
Nottingham LTA - places to play and BTM: https://www2.lta.org.uk/Login
Nottingham LTA - league fixtures and results: http://lta.tournamentsoftware.com